megan rose is A CREATIVE writer/editOr & MULTIMEDIA JOURNALIST.


I’m Megan — a multimedia journalist (writer/editor, alliteration/imagery/em dash enthusiast, whatever ya wanna call it) with a science + public health background.

I am a firm believer in the connective power of storytelling & community-building through narrative experiences & collaborative teamwork.

I’ve worn many different hats throughout my life, including that of becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant; interning as an activity assistant with long-term patients at a Maryland psychiatric hospital; working as an admin assistant as a part of a small communications/marketing team for one of Baltimore’s biggest craft breweries.

All of these things + an avid enthusiasm for travel, creativity, health equity & human rights have made me who I am today:

—an unapologetic & effervescent blend of copy/qualities somewhere in between brand and editorial, technical and analytical, empathy-centered and justice-oriented (with a healthy dose of wit + humor on the side).

You can catch me contemplating topics at these intersections – using my voice to uplift marginalized peoples/communities & examine the dots/data between health disparities, science/research, policy, society, and its institutions.

Thanks for checkin’ out my page/portfolio & so nice to meet ya!

Let’s shine a light, make a difference + do meaningful things ✨


>Writing Features



(comments on non-violent communication & analytical listening, community-building through conversations, and fundamental contextual points on key issues/movements being missed within the surface-level semantics of political discourse)